
Connecting a small capacity power plant to the grid

The procedure for connecting a small capacity power plant to the grid (Stage II)

Second stage of connection to the distribution network – includes fulfillment of the works foreseen by connection technical specification, agreement of the technical project by system operator and successful completion of relevance testing defined by articles 150-165 and operational notification defined by articles 138–145  of requirements indicated into the articles 121–136  of “Network Rules”  by small capacity power plant.  


II stage of connection of small capacity power plants to the electricity distribution network is started after signing the agreement on connection foreseen by the article 69 prima article 6 of the mentioned rules by the parties and entire payment of the fee for the second stage of the connection. 


Cost for the connection point (readiness of the network) is determined for connection of small capacity power plant to the distribution network that is established in accordance with the connecting capacity and is calculated in the following way:

Where  – Cost of connection point of power plant (readiness of the network)

             - Installed capacity of power plant;

             – Cost of the connecting capacity 1 MW of power plant  

a)  For the plants with installed capacity up to 2 MW - k= 60 000 Gel (Including VAT)

b) For the plants with installed capacity up to from 2 MW to 15 MW - k = 300 000 Gel (including VAT)

For an example:

  • In case of request for 2 MW, cost for readiness of the network is 2 × 60 000 = 120 000 Gel.
  • In case of request for 3 MW cost for readiness of the network is 3 × 300 000 = 900 000 Gel.


Person/entity who wants connection (applicant) is obliged to pay the cost fully within 20 (twenty) working days after signing the agreement on connection foreseen by the paragraph one of Article 69 prima article 6 of these rules by the parties that is calculated in the following way:

a) Cost for the second stage of connection at  organizing the cells in substation owned by the system operator is the sum of the cost for network readiness calculated in accordance with the paragraph 13 of Article 69 prima article 2 of these rules and cost of the second stage for connection to the electricity distribution network.

b)  In case of invasion into the system operators’ owned electricity transmission line,  second stage of the connection is the cost for network readiness foreseen only by the paragraph 13 of Article 69 prima article 2 of these rules

Annex N 6

Cost of the second stage of connection to the electricity distribution network in case of organizing the cell in system operators’ substation

Voltage stage 

Second stage term of connection provision

Cost for the second stage of the connection,
Gel (including VAT)

During the  connection to the 10 kv indoor distribution device


During the validity term of the agreement on connection

60 000

During the connection to the 35 outdoor distribution device

218 000

During the connection to the 35 indoor distribution device

300 000

During the connection to the 110 outdoor distribution device

560 000


Person/entity who wants to be connected (applicant) is obliged to prepare the technical draft in accordance with the connection agreement and technical specification issued by System Operator during the second stage of connection to the distribution network and submit to the System Operator as well as to the Transmission System Operator for further agreement.

Person/entity who wants connection (applicant) after fulfillment of the works determined by agreed technical project and technical specification of the connection is obliged to prove fulfillment of the requirements indicated in articles 121-136 of “Network Rules” to the corresponding System Operator as well as the procedures of compliance testing defined by article 150-165  and operative notification determined by the articles 138-145.   

Applicant after completing the activities determined by the second stage addresses to the System Operator in written form and notifies on readiness for connection to the distribution network that should be attached by the following:  

  • A)Protocols of measurements of primary and secondary commutation electric facilities of the substation of the person/entity who wants connection conducted by the accredited entity (conclusion on usability shall be indicated into the protocol)
  • b) Protocol on relay protection installment
  • c) Expert conclusion on usability of electricity transmission line connecting of small capacity power plants to the distribution network. 
  • d) List of the employees responsible for exploitation of electric facilities owned by the person/entity who wants connection  indicating the qualification group and  contact information.


JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia”  will check the rules of acting of electric facilities of the corresponding person/entity who wants connection within 10 working days upon receipt  the written form notification on readiness of the one who wants connection, as well as  the technical condition of the connection and  compliance with the agreed project (hereinafter the  - Inspection of the compliance) and issues  document proving the relevance (technical document of connection to the network). After this will connect/switches the electric facilities of the ones who wants connection into the network by what procedure for connection to the distribution network is completed.

At new connection to the existed distribution network, all connecting electric facilities and devices should comply with the requirements of the standards and norm established by the legislation acting in Georgia and “Network Rules” of these rules.

Bank Requisits where to pay for new connection:

Name of teh recipient bank: JSC TBC Bank

Account Number: GE32TB7015336030100006

Description: cost for small capacity power plant connection to the network (name of the applicant and factual address of the object).

You may send the filled in new connection form to an e-mail address: